
Hawaii journal

Means of transport in Oahu Island (Episode3)

There are 4 kinds of means of transport in Oahu island. These are "The bus", "Trolley", "Taxi", "Rent car". Our best recommendation is "The bus". You can go anywhere and freely get on and off many times once buying 1 day pass that cost is $5.5. It is unlimited travel pass entire day. Furthermore you can use app that name is "Da Bus" for smart phone. It can see where bus is when bus is coming the bus stop. It very convenient for traveler. And it is free download.
Hawaii journal

Ala Moana Center (Episode35)

We decided to go Ala Moana Center by trolley. However, it seems that there are places trolley do not stop depending on the time and place. Once the trolley has passed the trolley stop, it is advisable to check the signs.
Hawaii journal

First time to get on Trolley in Hawaii (Episode36)

I headed to Ala moana center by trolley. We felt so good apart from can look at beautiful view because of no window. And we were really surprised by how large this mall was.